Sunday, February 27, 2011

That New Stroller Smell

Weekends are a special time for me because I get to spend all day with my dad. Don't get me wrong; I love my mom. But apparently she has a need for this thing called "alone time" that can only happen on the weekends. It's okay. I may only be six months old, but I already know that what makes mom happy is good for everyone who has to live with her.

This weekend my dad and I had a special project: putting together my new stroller! My parents have been cheap and lazy about getting me into a permanent ride, so I've been cruising around in a ghetto car seat and stroller frame for the last six months. I mean, that's acceptable for a newborn, but come on guys! Finally my Nanna had to step in and order me a sweet new stroller. (Thanks again, Nanna. It's good to know you've got my back.)

So today was the big day for taking The Galaxy out of its box...and it is just as big as what it's named for! There's a reason we finally decided on the Escalade of strollers (and, no, it's not because we live in Texas). It's because the sidewalks here are what my mom calls "atrocious," so we had to get an all-terrain stroller to manage them. Thanks goodness! My mom and I take walks every day, and more often than not they end in a torrent of cursing that could drown a sailor. I'm new here. I don't need to be associated with that kind of behavior.

Dad got confused, so I had to step in.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I've always known I was a pretty super guy. My parents tell me that I just came that way, but I know they gave me some good material to work with. 

Lately I've developed a new interest: NOISE. It started with my Amazing Percussive Mouth. I've been blowing raspberries for a while now, but did you know that these noises get even better when I have a bite of cereal or veggie puree first? This usually causes my parents to make some neat noises, too. It's a win/win! 

Given my new sitting ability and my interests in sound, mom thought this morning was the perfect time to introduce me to the classic baby game: Wooden-Spoon-Meets-Pot. I wailed on the pots for a while, but then I just discovered the spoon with my mouth. 


Wicked solo! Oh, am I a rock star? Sorry, I hadn't noticed.

Speaking of exploration, I'd also just like to note that today was the last launch for the Space Shuttle Discovery. My daddy works at NASA, so I pay attention to this stuff. I bet that shuttle-thingy makes some pretty cool noises when it takes off. Too bad that I'll never get to know what it sounds like in person.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sitting Pretty

Some of you may have already noticed from a photo in an earlier post that I am now an "unsupported sitter," as the baby books say. Mom and dad say that I'll always have their support, and that they're really proud of me. (Do I even need to say that?)

We tested out my new super baby powers this weekend at the grocery store...but not just any grocery store, mind you. We went to Whole Foods. Yeow! That place is so busy. I got a lot of smiles from pretty ladies as I generously helped my mom hold the shopping list with both my hands and my mouth. Then she took the list away. What an independent lady! With my hands unencumbered, I soon realized that sitting up in the cart meant that I could actually grab at all the pretty things from the shelves. Grocery shopping is way more fun now, for all three of us.

My dad took this picture with his phone. I had been sitting calmly and politely in my cart until mom started clapping and cheering me on. I got so excited that the speed of technology could not catch up with me.

Look at me go! I was all like, "Google this!"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

An Education: Spinach

My mom has been making me some amazing first tastes of solid foods. Last week we tried out what my mom and dad call Sweet Potato π. (I know, they are such geeks.) It was so delicious. If there are any other cool babies out there who are interested, here's the recipe.

Sweet Potato π
1 1/2 sweet potatoes (approx.)
1 ripe banana (med.)
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Directions: Steam sweet potato until tender. Combine sweet potato, banana, and cinnamon in food processor, adding cooking water as needed, until it reaches the consistency your bebe will eat.

Today they tried to feed me this new taste called Spee-Natch. At first I thought it was ok, but after a few bites I changed my mind.

Food! . . .                                                             . . . Wait. 

What IS that?. . .                       . . . Am I eating a goat pasture?

I don't think anything could make my mom and dad smile as much as my spinach theatrics. (Mom loves these pictures so much that she doesn't even care that there's unfolded laundry in the background.) Even so, I guess I'll try the leafy greens again tomorrow night, because I know that will make them pretty happy too. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Six Months in the Making

For a while now my mom has been thinking about starting this blog to keep in touch with all the people who I love and who love me too. I sure am glad she decided to do it already!

Anyway, a few days ago I turned six months old. Can you believe it? Check out this picture that my Auntie Eulynn took when I wasn't even a week old. Wow! I am so tiny, and handsome too!

I am reminded of an anecdote that my Nanna in Baltimore kept telling me when she was visiting last week. She told me that her mom, my Nanna Doreen, used to say that she was such a beautiful baby...when she was sleeping. Ha! I think my mom might agree. Maybe I should reward her with a couple two-hour-long naps this week...maybe.