For a while now my mom has been thinking about starting this blog to keep in touch with all the people who I love and who love me too. I sure am glad she decided to do it already!
Anyway, a few days ago I turned six months old. Can you believe it? Check out this picture that my Auntie Eulynn took when I wasn't even a week old. Wow! I am so tiny, and handsome too!
I am reminded of an anecdote that my Nanna in Baltimore kept telling me when she was visiting last week. She told me that her mom, my Nanna Doreen, used to say that she was such a beautiful baby...when she was sleeping. Ha! I think my mom might agree. Maybe I should reward her with a couple two-hour-long naps this week...maybe.
Happy six-month birthday, sweet pea! Be careful, your parents will use all sorts of photographic evidence to embarrass the heck out of you one day. And I will do my best to help them! -- Aunty Snap