Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Archie Calling

Beware! I'm coming to a phone near you...And I may not be wearing any pants!


  1. Hello? Is that my favorite little blonde-haired boy? Archie! No, you haven't reached Batman (despite the red phone), but I will battle dirty crooks and evil maniacs for you! -- Auntie Snap

  2. This might be my favorite picture of you yet, little man! I can't wait to hear all the stories you've got for me!!!! -Auntie Elizabeth

  3. Pantless Archie! Call us in Oz! But when it is off-peak or your mum and dad might get cranky.

    It's a good way to learn your numbers, yes?
    (And to cultivate an Aussie twang.)

  4. This is absolutely adorable! I think of you all the time Mr. Archie - your fridge magnet reminds me of your cute little face every day!
