Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter 2012: Practice Run

I hope everyone had a good Easter/Passover/Weekend. For me, it was the first time I really got to enjoy the trappings of the holiday. I was going to say that it was really awesome, but if I'm honest it was really more along the lines of generally good and occasionally confusing. Our neighborhood had an Easter egg hunt in the local park for all the kids, and to prepare me for what Mom and Dad were sure would be total madness (screaming, trampling, hair pulling), they decided to give me a practice egg hunt in the front yard. It took a while for the whole scenario to click, but eventually I got the hang of it.

Did this practice help me to cope with the neighborhood egg hunt? Did I walk away with any eggs, or did I walk away with scratches and bruises...or both? Fear not, faithful readers, all shall be revealed. Stay tuned.

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