Hello friends! Boy, have I ever missed you! There's been a lot going on here at home lately. In case you haven't yet heard it through the grapevine, Mom and Dad and I are going to be picking up stakes and moving back to the DC area. I'm super excited, but it sure is a lot of work. Not only is the house a mess and in need of some cleaning up, but so is Mom's resume. I'm doing what I can with it, but I'm no miracle worker. Next time, try updating it more frequently than every five years, Mom. Then we'll have more time to do stuff like this:
Thanks Cathie for introducing this game to us, and thanks Dad for innovating it with a full body slam. It was an awesome Father's Day!
Who knew that the efforts to sit down of an overweight old woman would result in such a long-lasting entertainment!!!?? Brad's crashing makes it extra special.