Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another Shameless Political Plug

Here it is. Another shameless political plug in the final hours of this very long presidential campaign.

I thought long and hard about who to support in this election, as my opinion carries some weight with the toddler set. Honestly, if questioned off the record, I would just vote for 'planes' because I like them a lot. But I hear this Barack Obama has a pretty sweet plane and effective politics is, after all, all about compromise.  Now shoo! Go cast your ballot, hang your chad, troll your poll, just vote dammit. Happy Election Day!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Firsts: Last Day of School

Today is my last day of school before our big move. Mom and Dad haven't actually told me as much yet, but I can tell. I'm kind of torn up about it, not sleeping as well as usual and feeling a little sensitive. And who wouldn't be feeling the same in my place. Just look at all the amazing friends I have who are willing to let me crash into them and push them off a slide until we become a jumbled mass of toddlers. 

Good times with good friends. It doesn't get much better than that. Hmm, now I'm starting to sound like a beer commercial. Hey! Doesn't the guy always get the girl in those ads? Well... 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Flash Flood Warning

It's been pretty rainy here in H-town. This is the third day in a row we've had flash flood warnings. Lucky for me I have a super sweet rain coat. With my lunch bag and my clean clothes bag, it takes a while to get kitted out for school in the morning. But the end result was so adorable that Mom had to stop us on our way out the door and take a picture. I think I just got a glimpse of what prom night will be like. I'm pretty sure there's a photo in my future with a tux and this exact same expression.

And here I am practicing hailing a taxi. I'm ready for my move to the big city! First DC, then the world!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More Kaboom

Hello friends! Boy, have I ever missed you! There's been a lot going on here at home lately. In case you haven't yet heard it through the grapevine, Mom and Dad and I are going to be picking up stakes and moving back to the DC area. I'm super excited, but it sure is a lot of work. Not only is the house a mess and in need of some cleaning up, but so is Mom's resume. I'm doing what I can with it, but I'm no miracle worker. Next time, try updating it more frequently than every five years, Mom. Then we'll have more time to do stuff like this:

Thanks Cathie for introducing this game to us, and thanks Dad for innovating it with a full body slam. It was an awesome Father's Day!

Friday, May 25, 2012

B Squared

B Squared, you say? Why, that means Big Boy Bed! Last weekend I participated in one of my favorite activities: Doing Things with Dad. Specifically, we took the side off of my crib so that now it is a proper bed. 

What a difference! I've really enjoyed the world of possibilities this change has opened up for me, like exploring my toys and books after my parents think they have put me to sleep, or giving Mom and Dad an in-person wake up call in the morning. Good times! I hope all my friends and family in the U.S. have good times too this holiday weekend and get to do fun things with the people you love. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Little Visitors

For a couple of months we've had some special little visitors in the house. May I introduce Scamper and Moxie, our first foster kittens. I was so excited when they first came to stay. I wanted to see them last thing before I left for school and would run straight to their box when I got home. That was more than a month ago. Now, they are healthy thanks to Mom and Dad and well socialized thanks to me. They've socialized me a little along the way too. I have a better understanding of what it means to be gentle (because Mom says that word about 20 times a day), and even though I still yell mine, mine, mine when the kittens play with my toys, I really don't mind sharing with them too much. Happily, Scamper and Moxie have found a new forever home, so we'll be saying goodbye tomorrow. Bye bye little visitors. Thanks for growing up with us for a little while.